Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Day 5 - 8 shots down

So, this is day 5.

During this week nothing really happens. I just wake up and take my shot then go to work come home take my shot and go to bed.  Well, it sort of happens that way.

This morning I woke up and on my way into work I prayed for my friend Amy that she would have comfort on her day 5.  It's so strange how life can bring such tragedy and such hope at the same time.  I just watched a video about 911.  It was an interview with all of the captains of the boats that were in the water near New York that day.  They talked about how in the midst of complete confusion and tragedy they came together and accomplished an unthinkable goal.  The interview talked about how it was the largest water evacuation in American History. Larger than Duncurk in WWII when they evacuated 339,000 soldiers in 9 days. On 911 more than 500,000 people were evacuated off that island in less than 9 hours. 9 hours.  That is amazing.  But the more amazing part was when several of the captains said it was the greatest day of their lives.  WHAT???  The attack on the American people on September 11th was the GREATEST day of their lives? How can this be? Because in the midst of tragedy God shows up and does amazing things.  When people pull together great things can be accomplished. People have great purpose. It truly is awesome.

the vid...if you have time, it's great.

God is still doing amazing things. He's showing up even in the midst of our tragic moments.

Tomorrow we go to the funeral home after work. It's going to be beyond sad. And mostly uncomfortable.  But I'm thankful to have loved such an amazing man. And to have felt the influence of him in my life.

shot #9 is waiting for me in the morning.
I must sleep now cuz drew says it will make me a nicer person.  :)

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