Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A word

So my 2 week wait is still in full force. 1/2 way done and for sure this is the worst part of any fertility treatments.  Today was pretty good. I spent the morning crafting and the afternoon shopping. We had plans cancel at night so we spent it watching movies which was perfect for me.  Thank you winter storm.

A week ago three little embies were placed inside of me.  Let's look again, shall we?

Sometimes I just need a constant reminder that God is here. He was there a week ago. He's been here this whole month and He hasn't gone anywhere. No matter what the outcome, this is the season of "God is with us".  

I got 2 encouraging words today.  One from my cousin whom I love dearly. She has also felt the pain and worry of what I'm encountering and gave me great reminders of how faithful God is. Thank you.

The second encouraging word came from a friend who's going through a few struggles herself these days. She reads encouraging words from people on a website that she frequents. It's very encouraging to her and from time to time she will share something that someone has said. December first (the first day of treatment for us) a gentlemen had a word that he posted to encourage people.  This is a generic website and has nothing to do with trying to conceive. This post was just...random.  Here's a little taste. (His name is Kim so don't let that confuse you)

December 1, 2012 - From The Den:
"From the beginning, before time began, I knew this hour; I knew this day. Was it hidden from Me? Am I afraid?" says the Lord of Hosts. "Even if Israel stood alone, watch. Read the history. Before time began, I knew of this moment and I knew that from the miry clay would emerge an upright reed. From the mire, I will bring something upright and something good.
"You have entered into a season of fruitfulness, and yet they cry, 'Barren is the land; barren are the people.'" But God says, "I have called that which is barren, fruitful, and I have called that which is weak, strong. And I have called that which is poor, rich. Therefore, say what I say for the redeemed of the Lord shall say So!' Watch and see as I demonstrate My glory and majesty," says the Lord.
What I've been dealing with and what I've been feeling from the Lord is that He wants to destroy unfruitfulness and barrenness and wants to make this a fruitful month and a fruitful 2013. Do you believe that this could be possible? Now if there's faith in your heart, please hear what I'm saying because I am literally giving you a prophetic proclamation that God wants fruitfulness and He wants it this month and He wants it in the year 2013 – and don't tell me it cannot be done.

I was like, "uh...ok".  And even if you don't believe everything that some people say, I will take these words and thank God for allowing this man to give them back on the first day of our treatments. And I will praise God for allowing me to receive it on day 26 of my treatment.  God is so faithful. He has things up His sleeve at all times. You never know when He might have someone call you out of the blue, or give you money at the right time when you need it, or send you a message, or even give you a heart. Have you ever seen the Christmas Story? Do you remember the part when the turkey get's eaten by the dogs and they have to go eat Christmas duck at the Chinese Restaurant? Well there's a 10 second (which is pretty long) clip where they show the outside of the restaurant and if you look at that clip there's a large, clear heart on the roof on the left side of the screen.  God has always been trying to show Himself to us. I think that's why the clip is 10 seconds. You wanna go watch the movie now don't you? :)

We prayed for fruitfulness tonight. Not just for us, but for you too. We pray you are blessed not just for a full cup, but one that overflows so you can share with others. We pray you are healed and that your hearts desires become reality soon. That God would come closer, whisper ... closer. We need Him. I need Him.  Tonight I'm praying for the broken hearted who have lost hope. I'm praying for the girl I saw crying as she was leaving during one of fertility appts. I'm praying for the mother who had to work today and spent Christmas alone. I'm praying for a sick uncle. I'm praying for more Peace. I'm praying for restoration. I'm praying for the employee's who got let go last friday...28 of them..right before Christmas.  I'm praying for another employee who lost insurance because of a health condition. I'm praying for mental wholeness for someone that's close to me. And for friends whose car broke down and a trip to Michigan ended up costing way more than they bargained for. And for appointments that are temporarily on hold. I'm praying for miracles. We all need them in one way or another. My spark of Hope still glimmers for one more day, but we all need miracles. Sleep in peace tonight knowing that we know the Miracle Maker and He knows this story very well. 

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