Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008


It has been a long winter..but I almost saw the sun.

I told someone this past weekend that I don't feel equipped to do what God has called me to do. I feel probably at one of the lowest places and most confused spiritually that I have ever been. I have a lot of questions and pain to work through. My friend told me there was nothing he could do but pray for me. My issues are with God. He was right. I then told him I don't feel like I should be on stage directing others to God when I feel so messed up right now. I said I have no passion. He gently listened to me as I cried and wrestled with where God and my heart have led me. I feel guilty to not have passion for what I am doing. But this weekend I didn't have a choice. I knew the day would come when I had to go back to "work" and speak of God to others. The moment had come. I got on the stage and although I didn't have much to say, and I was VERY nervous, it felt right. That right feeling you get when you know that even though you don't know why, you are right where you are supposed to be. I walked off the stage feeling disappointed in myself and knowing that although I didn't prepare the way I had wanted and my spirit didn't communicate the way I thought it should have, I knew someone had been touched by the simple verse I read. And later it was confirmed. Although in that moment it felt right, I know I am not right. Once off the stage my life was waiting for me. Confusion stood stage left waiting to hand me a towel and direct me back to my room filled with questions. I still can't shake this tired, confused, passionless feeling I have. Then today I read this:

What is the passion of Christ? Many would say it is the period of intense suffering in the life of Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Crucifixion.

I never really pictured passion being intense suffering. I always assumed you had passion when you were at your closest with Jesus. Feeling his every move, knowing almost what he is going to say to you. But this sentence turns me in a different direction reminding me that Christ had his most "passion" when he was in the garden, confused by the outcome of his life. Or maybe not confused, but just wishing there was another way for redemption. That is how I feel. Redemption is happening in my life, in my family. I just wish it could have come wrapped in a pretty red bow and presented to us at a party. No, God doesn't always work that way. He sometimes wants his children to feel what He feels or has felt. Passion. Raw Passion. The kind that makes you lay on the ground and sweat blood, or not want to get out of bed in the morning. The desperate kind that forces you to yell at God and beg for another way. Pain. Fear. Loss. Hurt. Loneliness. Confusion. Desperation. ... Passion.

this passion leads to redemption

Monday, February 11, 2008

not today

I don't feel good today. I haven't been feeling good for some time now. I don't know if the stress in my life is making me physically sick, but lately I haven't felt well. My stomach hurts almost daily now and I get a migraine about once a week. I got one last night again. They suck more than anything. Thank God for my meds although they don't last forever.

I keep waking up feeling like today will be different from yesterday, but then the more I get into it, it's not. I still feel depressed, I still feel stuck, I still feel alone, I still feel like I am going crazy in this house, in this situation. A friend of mine told me once that if you don't like your life, stop feeling sorry for yourself and just change it. But I don't know how to do that. I struggle MUCH with the idea of biblical commitment and what God would want me to do. If it were all about being comfortable or happy I would move away and get a job. Live life the way I would want to. I actually don't even know what that would look like. I am nearing the mark of a long long year and with each breath it gets harder to swallow that I don't feel I've moved forward much. Yes, I have learned a bunch blah blah blah. But instead of feeling strong and ready, I feel tired, weak, and unprepared. I am afraid to have to stand on stage in 9 days and proclaim things I am not sure I understand. I have nothing to say to people. My faith is weak or gone. I haven't any Hope. I know I am struggling. I know I wont be in this place forever. I know things WILL change because they always do. I just am tired of always feeling like I need things to change.

Do I make bad decisions? I try to do what I feel God would want. Love deeply. But I have found that loving deeply only leads to regret and tears. Is it better to be shallow, guarded and lonely? Or deep with solitude and despair? I open the bible to find hope, or at least to find something. I did this last night and it fell to the scripture of how my friends aren't really my friends, they are my enemies. nice. Not much comfort there.

I heard yesterday, or the day before (all days look the same in louville) that our friends Paul and Sonya lost another baby. I went upstairs and just cried. It makes no sense to me! I can't believe all the death that has been close to me in just two months. I guess that's the reality-people die. But so young? without even being born? And to such good people. It makes no sense to me. And I know that the things we go through are for us. They are for some spiritual reason. I don't believe things happen on accident, but sigh...grr...ugh. I am really tired.

I told lou yesterday that I wish I could just turn off my emotions. I wish I felt nothing instead of feeling everything. I take everything so personally and many times it just drives me mad.

I have been looking over the past several years of otb stuff because I am working on a project for the business. It has been interesting but also it has made me feel so tired. I got an email from a friend who is in another ministry a bit like ours. She was talking about how they finally got a "big break" and were asked to perform for a place that they have wanted to perform in for some time. People were saying that they didn't have to wait very long to get noticed. But they have been waiting for 5 years. I think time is funny. I am very excited for them, I really am. Some of my good friends are in that group. But once again I let out a big sigh feeling left. Maybe you never really do "make it". Maybe we have already made it. And if this is "it", is it enough?

I am going to go for now. I have ranted enough for today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

17 years and no introduction

I just read one of the saddest letters. I received it from my brother yesterday. My sister has started a conversation with us about our parents death. Specifically my mother. Both of my parents were tragically killed when I had just turned 19. My brother was 16, my sister 27. Their birthdays are in October so they weren't their year older yet. My sister contemplating life and battling depression has realized she misses and needs my mom. A hole that will never be filled. My brother in turn has communicated his hurts of how much he missed out on without parents. "I've lived more of a life without them then with them. I've never introduced them to a girlfriend or had an adult conversation with them. They never knew me.". Both letters were heart breaking to me. I believe I have dealt with my parents death for the most part. I know I will always miss them and always need them, but I have been SO very lucky to have TONS of people surrounding me that have helped me through these times. My sister and brother are not as social and have had a harder time creating these worlds. Maybe it's not about being social, maybe it was just luck. My brother reminds me in his letter that although things might seem depressing right now, they will change. They always do. He is right. My life has changed so much in the past 10 years. Not better, not worse, just changed. I have realized although the place where you are now might seem like the worst hell you could possibly be in, there could always be something worse, so be careful what you proclaim.

Sometimes i wonder what makes one person more mentally able to handle life than others. I know friends of friends who can't deal with losing family. They end up in mental hospitals for days at a time trying to figure out how to continue living without this person they loved so much. I know people who deny their feelings and fill their day up with jokes and smiles to avoid the pain or fear that they are actually feeling inside. I have seen movies about people who have gone through something traumatic and "snapped" going on killing sprees. I can somewhat understand people walking around homeless because situations have caused them to not cope. Yet I keep thinking in my life that I am on the edge of all of these situations, but nothing in me snaps. I am waiting for my brain to click over and I find myself out in the snow unable to speak. Or driving aimlessly until the gas runs out of my car. But soon after a good cry session and possibly a blog writing, I get up, take a shower and start my day. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? What make me different from all those other people unable to cope. And how do I get there?

The closest I ever get to not coping is avoidance. And even that doesn't work forever with me. I can't help but dive into my issue tearing it a part from one side to the next. Not allowing it to destroy me with fear, sadness or torture. This could take several years, but I am moving through it. I don't like that about me. Many times I wish I could just leave my parents tomb stone in that freezing cold cemetery and forget it is even there. Like almost pretending that they are on some long extended vacation or something. But my heart brings me back to that grave year after year to face it's harsh reality. Something is dead. Something is changed. Something is void. You are looking at it in the face, so your move. And that's just it, I moved. Breathe in breathe out. Some days that's all you can do.

My smile is hidden these days somewhere in the frozen tundra of Hudsonville. Along with my personality and future. Maybe one day it will thaw...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

daily subject: food

What do you eat that is healthy? What kinds of foods did you eat growing up? What diet are you on now? What do you think healthy eating is?

I try to eat as healthy as I can. I stopped eating wheat products about 2 years ago and have felt better since then. I have also tried to stop eating sugar as well. That has helped me with my weight. But since living with drew's parents it has been hard. Also since living with adam who is on an ALL sugar diet it's been hard. I make him desserts but can't have any. ugh. But I don't think there is a perfect diet for everyone. I think healthy eating is what everyone says, eat meat, lots of veggies and fruits and drink lots of water. This will make everyone healthy. It is just not easy to do. Carmel is way to yummy.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

daily subject: school

What have you had to give up to get a good education? Do you know anyone who was home schooled? What courses did you study and how large were your class loads? Describe some of the experiences that you had.

I went to Central Michigan University my second year out of high school. I was going to attend Lansing Community College, but my financial stuff fell through at the last minute. It led to a horrible fight between my mother and I. So I worked 3 jobs (Meijer, Newspaper, Heritage Chrysler) for a year and finally started college at Central. My parents died a week before classes started, so that didn't lead to a very good semester. Day after day of parties, I barely passed. I actually felt good though because Michelle, my roommate got on academic probation and I partied more than she did. But, by the grace of God 2 years later (3 years out of high school) I was recruited by a guy from Michigan Christian College. It was 3 hours away and I couldn't imagine going to a place where there were Christians. Especially Christian men. I had a few friends that went there and so I looked into it. I ended up transferring mid-semester. But the thing I had to give up was SO hard. My family. I was living with my brother and best friend at the time. I had to leave them both. It was so hard to leave, but I knew I had to get out of my current situation. Things were never as fun as those years I lived with them both, but I had to turn a page. The rest of my life was totally changed because of that decision.

I know lots of people who were and are home schooled. Some of my best friends were home schooled and they are some of the most creative people I have ever met. My nephew is home schooled and doing great. It's not for everyone, but it is great for others.

My class loads were typically around 15 credit hours a week. I did pull 21 my last semester of college and got all A's, something I am very proud of. It was the ONLY semester in my life that happened, so I was excited. But I studied all things from business to music to astronomy. I loved accounting but didn't go into it because I found my professor nice, yet boring. Not a very good teacher. I learned to study my last semester and had wished I would have learned it years before. I wish it was a requirement that all freshman take a class that teaches you how to study and research. It wouldn't help everyone, but it would have made a world of difference to me.

To many experiences to write about. From boys to Tau to devo's to taco bell much fun. Just read my journals. On second thought, don't.

what are the chances?

What are the chances that I would be given $1.00 for every time I said, "what are the chances?". Not high this time.

I was at Target trying to replace a dvd that I bought there earlier this month. I got to the end of the dvd and there was a scratch and I couldn't finish the disc. So I knew I didn't have a receipt because I bought it with cash, but I figured it was damaged so they would just switch it out. So much for my thinking. I found out there is some sort of policy where if you don't have your receipt for a purchase they "can't" do anything for you. So I was SO upset. I thought surely the manager of Target can either switch out my dvd or give me my money back or at the very least a rain check so I can buy it again at the sale price. "sorry, I wish there was something I could do.". wow. wow. wow. wow. It wasn't this girls fault, but she picked the wrong day to upset me. I must admit I got more upset as I went on because she kept saying "sorry" with a blank face on. I finally asked her to stop saying sorry because it was only upsetting me more. He words were not action and I couldn't believe they were telling me I paid $20 bucks for nothing. I was SUPER upset. So I went home and made a few calls and got no where, resolving to wait until Monday to handle it. It was Saturday.

Sunday we decided to go to the movies. It was a late movie starting at 9pm. When we got out we found ourselves in a winter wonderland as it had snowed 4-5 inches in just an hour and a half. We decided to eat at Fridays since it was so late and it was close. No one was there, we had the place to ourselves and it was a lovely dinner. Drew and Adam were sitting next to one another and I was facing them. They were facing the door and that's how they could see the manager of Target coming in to sit right behind us. WOW. "What are the chances?" I asked myself. Of all people to tromps out into the snow in the middle of the night half way across the city. We contemplated what to do since if we left she would know for sure it was us. So I decided to send her some spin dip and tell her sorry for getting upset. The waitress served it to them and I got up to talk. She was instantly in manager mode again and she looked a bit scared. I didn't blame her, I was really upset. I knew it wasn't her fault and she did do a good job handling me. But she still didn't help me! I said good-bye and realized she never said thanks for the app. Now I am really mad. But I decided to let it go and know that the crazy things happen for a reason. God wanted me to do something, to interact with her, and so I did. I just had to shake my head and wish that was one more dollar coming towards me.

Monday, February 04, 2008

daily subject: sports (ugh)

What sporting event would you like to win or be a part of winning? How often do you play sports? What sports teams have you been a part of? How good are you and what story can you tell us about jogging?

Well, I must admit I am a closet sports person. I actually LOVE going to sporting events. I love the outdoors and I love to be at a baseball game, basket ball game, football, hockey (although I've never been to a hockey game...I know, can you believe it?), dodgeball, or whatever. I can honestly say I don't like watching golf though. But I do like playing it. I've only played a few times but it's pretty fun. The problem with all of this is I don't have people that are close to me that like to do these things. I don't like to follow the series of things, like the pistons etc. I don't have favorites, although I can see how I could love Chicago Cubs or New York Yankees before others. I like feeling like a fan. But again, my husband isn't a sports guy, or an event guy so I've never been to one with him. It's a small price to pay since we have so many other things that I love to do in common. I usually get to see one baseball game a year. Which I think is pretty good for me. Oh, and I've only been to a Cubs game, that's the only major baseball team I've seen. I have a thought to believe that minor baseball is more fun, and less expensive, but I don't know.

I played softball when I was in high school and although I loved it, I didn't continue because I was afraid of the senior girls. They were big and scary to me, so I wimped out. I liked volleyball ok and almost tried out for that, but growing up it was hard to find rides to school for practice. We lived about 5 miles out of town and my parents really didn't want to bother with extra activities.

As for jogging, I hate jogging. But there is something about a good run that makes you feel good when you're done and helps clear your mind a bit. I wish SO BAD I had a tread mill so I could run everyday. Running on the road gets tricky for me. I hate finding the time, taking showers, having smelly clothes in my suitcase etc. Those could just be excuses, but I still hate it. I could see jogging becoming something I like more and more. I will always remember my jog on the beach with zac and ryan. It seems there might have been someone else there too, but I forget who. It was after dark and we all went for a run together. They are both experienced runners so it was a bit embarrassing for me, but they are so kind and awesome. I remember feeling cool and good about myself being out there with them that night. The waves crashing, people walking the beach, it was awesome.

a new push

so...I have decided to once again try to push myself into writing daily. I am not sure why I feel it is important, as many days I for sure don't see myself as a writer, but only as a confused person with a lot of thoughts rolling around up there. But, none the less, I have decided to answer questions which another site has generated for me. The questions and content wont be that deep or even interesting, but I thought I would give it a shot. At least it will keep me off crappy sites that fill my head with mush like myspace and facebook. ok, here we go...

Friday, February 01, 2008


That's how I feel today. I don't feel inspired about anything, and I feel I am losing myself in this house. Most days I see and know being here is a blessing, but today, I feel it is a prison. I haven't seen my family or friends in awhile and I honestly don't feel like seeing them. I am broke, and in debt. I have no way of working out so I feel over weight. In a lot of ways I just feel stuck.


The snow is falling as I write this and it is so beautiful. The fireplace is on and the furnace is fixed and working. There is java in my cup, not just java but starbucks from my awesome brother at christmas. I will eat salmon tonight and although I am out of diet coke and have been for some time, there is still vita-water to drink. I went to the library yesterday and it took me a bit because I went to the wrong library to get my card. At least I know where they both are now, but even the two library's in town put together didn't make a library as good as Canton's. sigh...I miss my home.

I guess doing my books today has made me feel hopeless. God promises to take care of those He loves, and he is doing just that. I just wish I was smarter and wiser and didn't make decisions based on making other people feel good. I am learning so much. At least I hope I am. I would hate to think that all this time has been wasted.