Friday, January 04, 2013

The Time has come...

There is nothing more exciting than sharing a journey with friends.  :)

I'm SO SORRY for the wait! But there were so many people that we needed to tell before we posted. I'm sure we've missed some, but we did the best we could! After 12 years of praying, here's what God did: 

first this: 

then this: 


I can't even believe I'm writing this post. There's so much that I want to share with you. I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed right now! The details are as follows: 

1. The nurse told me that I'm pregnant. (still taking that in)
2. My HCG number was 949 which is an above average number. Which is a great thing. :)
3. I go in for a blood test on saturday (tomorrow) to check my levels again. 
4. I have an ultra sound in 3 weeks to hear the heart beats AND to find out HOW MANY! 
5. Due date is temporarily Sept. 7th. 
6. We are NOT putting it on Facebook yet, but you can tell your family etc.
7. If you would like to contact us and you don't have our number you can send us an email at
8. Please keep praying as all of waiting has lead to 9 months more of waiting! wowsers. 

SO--that's the short of it all. I'm sitting here in complete disbelief.  It has been so fun to share the news with people.  I once again am overwhelmed by love from friends and family. A journey really is better spent with others. When there is sorrow, there is much sorrow.  But when there is rejoicing, there is MUCH rejoicing!!!!  It has been a crazy few days and I've enjoyed every second of it. We have had responses such as much screaming, much crying, much laughing (the whole conversation, and she even woke up in the middle of the night laughing- haha), and one person almost drove off the road! It feels amazing to feel so loved.

I'm feeling great, just a little tired. Drew is excited and cry's almost every time we tell someone. We really can't think much past the fact that this procedure ACTUALLY worked, so we have NO answers beyond that.  My biggest struggle now is continuing to live in God's Peace that He has given us these gifts on PURPOSE for something amazing so I need to believe only that.

I will be excited for this in my life as soon as I realize it's real.  ;)  But I am VERY excited about what this means.  We have always known that God had a plan for our kids and that they would come at a perfect time for Kingdom work.  I know that sounds strange, but I've always wanted to not just raise kids, but raise them to be strong voices for God to help hurting people.

I started a journal for my kids several years ago. I wanted them to know how strongly God has a plan for them and that they were born at the exact moment in all of time that God had planned. My beginning paragraph says this,

"How do you get through when God proclaims something in you that you must birth? You wait and pray and wait and praise and wait and listen and learn. But most of all you never stop Believing and Trusting. God is Faithful. He is providing His love to me and He will do the same for you."

My first entry was honest.

March 31, 2000 - I've been missing the spiritual aspect of having a baby. Besides just asking God if it's time, it has to be spiritually right. God you are so perfect! I trust you!

 Since then I have a book full of evidence of things to come. People having dreams, prophetic words being spoken, God telling us things, "coincidences" etc. It seem everywhere we went people were telling us about our children. Children that we didn't have. Until now.

But the reason this is so exciting to me, so completely unbelievable, is because to me, this means something is coming... Something so big I could never wrap my brain around it. I feel God is moving things into place to use all of us. I don't believe in chance, I believe in purpose and with that comes expectations. God is about to do something that we have been waiting for our whole lives. It's not about my kids, but it IS about His timing. I do believe my kids are a part of it, but I also believe you are a part of it too.  I don't know, it might sound crazy, but I really think even during these horrible times we live in, goodness is coming for us all. :)

I praise you Father for your Righteousness! I praise you for your Kindness! I praise you for your Goodness to all nations! I praise you that you ARE Faithful! I praise you because you DID EXACTLY what you said you would do! I only wish I wasn't surprised by that, but are SO............................................................................(*insert crying breakdown here). My heart longs for God and Praises Him in the HIGHEST!

He did what He said He was going to do.

Oh my God, we are going to have some babies. 


Brittan said...

woohoo!! SO happy for you guys! I've been checking multiple times a day, waiting for your update, lol! thank you so much for sharing your journey- such a special, personal story. been praying for THREE little babes! <3

Deanna said...

So happy for you guys! I'll be praying for every step of this pregnancy to go smoothly and according to God's plan and timing!

SouleSista said...

I still look at Ben and have to convince myself that he's really mine. I'm not sure when that feeling of unbelief goes away! btw, BEST POST EVER!!!!! So Happy for you and Drew :)

KyAnn said...

KAT! Congratulations!!! I'm so so so happy for you! :)

Anna said...

I wish we could "like" blog posts...then again, liking this isn't really enough. So happy for you!

Aunt Mary said...

I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out - I am so happy for you two!!