Thursday, September 16, 2010

blogs, buttons & babies

Who knew buttons were so hard to put on your blog.  Well, maybe it's not supposed to be hard, but for some reason I missed the boat on how to do it.  So now I have 2 HUGE buttons that you can push if you are interested.  One for the ministry.  One for the awesome teen magazine I've described below.

So, I met a new Dr. yesterday.  She is amazing, very direct.  I went just to meet her and make sure it's who I wanted to use for all my woman needs.  My current Dr. is a bit of a drive, so I was looking for someone closer.  After meeting this new Dr. she asked me lot of questions about our past. She ended up explaining a few more options we have as far as infertility testing.  She seemed very positive and told me we need to be aggressive in pursuing children and at the very least find the bottom line.  She wants to run a few tests and just see how my levels are.  I kinda just sat there with my mouth open not knowing what to say.  I wasn't there to discuss fertility treatments, but I found myself listening to her and agreeing, maybe we should.  Maybe we should at least hear our options.  She understood our past.  She understands our present.  But she also wants a future family for us and believes it's possible.  It was a good feeling.  It was a weird feeling.  It's not often you feel like you meet someone who understands what you're going through.  Still not feeling 'hopeful' necessarily, but at least it's another door to explore.

I don't know which way God wants to use to bring our family to us.  I wasn't expecting to go back into fertility stuff.  sigh.  We haven't given up on adoption yet.  I missed a call today from another agency.  I have a few questions about income requirements etc.  I just hope for God to lead us.  We want what He wants and we will just keep moving forward and moving where He directs.  Just this morning I was reading Philippians 3

12 But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Yes, forgetting what is behind.  Pressing forward.  Not knowing what that looks like is the scary part, but baby steps.  Drew and I are looking for part/full time jobs.  Really just anything that would give us enough income to cause some sort of stability to happen in our lives.  It will happen. It must.  So for now, one day at a time.  God first.  Faith.  Joy.  Love.  Intimacy.  Sacrifice of self.  My face shining with His face.  Then jobs, babies, house/cabin, dog, and any cheese I want to buy.

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