Saturday, December 22, 2012


Well begins the 2 week wait.  But if you go to any IVF blog it will be called the 2WW.  Yes, there is another language that resides in the world of infertility. Here are a few clues:

  • TTC: trying to conceive is among the most common abbreviations found on forums for women trying to become pregnant.
  • 2WW is the two-week waiting period between ovulation and monthly period.
  • AF stands for "Aunt Flo", a euphemism for your period.
  • AI is for artificial insemination.
  • ART is assisted reproductive technology.
  • BBT is the morning basal body temperature used to detect ovulation.
  • BD is the "baby dance", euphemism for intercourse. Some also use BMS for baby making sex.
  • BFN is a big fat negative pregnancy test result.
  • BFP is a big fat positive pregnancy test result.
  • CD is the cycle day.
  • Dpo stands for days post ovulation, which also may be referred to as LP (luteal phase).
  • Endo is endometriosis, a condition in which tissues from the uterus are located in other areas of the body.
  • HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone used to detect pregnancy in tests.
  • FSH stands for the follicle-stimulating hormone that is developed in the pituitary gland and is used to help eggs reach maturation.
  • FMU is the first morning urine typically used for the most accurate pregnancy test results.
  • HPT stands for home pregnancy test.
  • HSG is for Hysterosalpingogram, an x-ray of the fallopian tubes and the uterus.
  • ICSI stands for intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection, an infertility treatment.
  • IF is infertility.
  • IVF is in-vitro fertilization in which a fertilized egg is put into the uterus.IUI is intrauterine insemination, commonly known as artificial insemination.
  • LAP stands for laparoscopic surgery, a possible treatment for endometriosis (endo).
  • LMP is the last menstrual period.
  • LPD stands for a luteal phase defect that can interfere with conception.
  • LH is the luteinizing hormone that may determine a cause for infertility.
  • M/C is for miscarriage.
  • O is used for ovulation.
  • OPK is an ovulation predictor kit.
  • POAS pee on a stick and PIAC pee in a cup are common approaches for home pregnancy tests (HPT).PCT is a post coital test that evaluates mucus to see if there was good environment for conception.
  • SA is a semen analysis used to determine if the man is infertile.RE is a reproductive endocrinologist, an infertility specialist.
  • SHOW stands for soft, high, open, wet, a description of the cervix when it is at its peak of fertility.
  • TCOYF stands for Taking Charge Of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Women trying to conceive also call the publication "the book".

Then there is the HTH (hope this helps), DH (dear husband) DD (dear daughter) DS (dear son) you get the idea.  Oh and the MIL (mother-in-law), I can't forget that one cuz it's actually a super important part of my story. I have the best MIL I could have ever asked for.  I thank my sister for that. She said she prayed and prayed that I would be blessed with a good MIL and boy, I sure have been.  She checks in on me often and makes sure I'm doing ok.  This was BEFORE the TTC and ART so yeah, that means she's genuine. :)  So, thanks Sweet Mama Lou and thanks for the prayers Kari. They work!

Who said being infertile wouldn't make you smart? HA! TCOYF! Yes, without this little spy code decipher kit I woud have no idea what those ladies are talking about.  I've read a few of those blogs but I've decided to stay away.  They kinda scare me. So many different opinions on what the 'right' things is to do. For 3 days I've been laying here trying to figure out what's going know..down there.  Every little twinge of anything and I think it's me feeling implanting. Some women have actually felt the embryo implant. I learned that on a blog. TMI?

I did find this page that I thought explained what's going on now pretty well. I keep praying health, wholeness and God's breath to take over. He's the only one that can make this stuff up anyway! Here's the article:

Click Here! It's a good read and it will make you smarter!

So, my 2WW (2 week wait) which is the time that goes by until you actually take a pregnancy test, I am already almost 1/4 of the way done! WHOO HOO! yikers. In case you're wondering, 2WW is a long time.  But in case you were wondering again, not as long as 626WW which is what our count actually is.  (for those who have fried holiday brains, that would be 12 years). So the way I look at it now, what's a few more days? Besides, it will go by quick. Even though doing IVF this time of the year is challenging because of the rush for Christmas etc. I'm glad we did it this way. We will be on vacation, busy enough to occupy our minds and we can start the new year on a new page.  :)  See? Isn't that smart of us? Smiths=Smart.

I supposed after 16 years that's what happens.  Yes, today is our anniversary. And for my husband, I will take a shower because I haven't in 3 days.  (can you tell I've been on this couch too long?) Lucky him. Let me tell you, staying together for this many years is awesome. If you think we haven't had bad times or been close to calling it over, ask our friends and they will tell you the truth. But I've realized every relationship is hard. I have to work on my relationships with my friends, family and my spouse.  It makes me a better person. God's grace, truth and love is the answer to so many of our problems. Drew makes me a better person and I wouldn't want to live my life with anyone else. Ever.  You guys know drew, he's farty, harsh at times, loves gummy foods and tinsel trees, can sing like an angel and hike like a beast not to mention his love of cartoons (have you seen him shimmy?). He loves to learn new EVERY day. And that's why I stay close to him, he's smart. (NEVER play him in trivia..I'm serious) And he makes me laugh - a lot. Even after all these years and all that we've been through he's my number one pick.  (he just blew his nose over my shoulder, for real. HAHA) I wouldn't change it for the world.


Brittan said...

Happy anniversary! Drew did a great job during the Candlelight service! I listened and wondered if it was a true story or slightly embellished- now I know the December 22nd anniversary part was true! ;)
I've been reading on my phone the past few days, but it's been wonky when I go to comment- so I have to backtrack a little...
I read Christian the part about taking out a second mortgage for Santa pics, we cracked up as we were thinking of going to that same Santa- skip that!!
Woohoo for a successful transfer! Very exciting and hope this 2WW flies for you!! Praying! Merry Christmas! :)

lou said...

I just love you guys so much.. Mom