Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm that girl

A strange thing is happening to me.  Now that I'm almost 30 weeks (YES-- 30! Can you even believe it?!?! God is SO good!) a strange thing is starting to happen.  People are stopping and looking.

I've decided I don't think I look "big" but as my dr. explained it to me, she said most people only know 3 different stages of pregnancy.

1. Not pregnant.
2. Maybe pregnant.
3. Ready to give birth.

She said the time in between early pregnant and giving birth is different for everyone and when you finally "pop" out and your belly looks like a pregnant belly, most people think its time for you to give birth.  This is why people ask me "when are you due?" and when I tell them September they get this horrified look on their face as if they want to scream "OH NO! YOUR BABY IS GOING TO BE ADULT SIZE BY THEN!".  But they just smile instead and say, "Oh! Good luck!".  :-/

For the past month people have said those things to me.  Or the famous, "Are you SURE you're not having twins or triplets?".  Yes, I'm sure.  I wish I was, but alas, I'm not.  I just have a big womb baby belly with one awesome little guy and I'm so thankful for him! But people don't really know that those phrases make pregnant women crazy.  I think some of those women who say them just have forgotten what it was like to be 7 months pregnant and feel like your body is not your own.

But this week, something has changed. This week I feel people...staring....

I was thinking it might have been because of the tighter shirt I was wearing that really showed off that bump I've been waiting for.  I walked into a party last Saturday and a crowd gathered around me.  All so excited about the baby.  I figured it was because my bump was really sticking out.  But today I wore a black shirt with a light jacket over it.  Black is slimming and I could barely tell I was pregnant with that jacket. I walked into a restaurant and LITERALLY people stopped eating to look at me.  All were women.  All were smiling.  One lady even turned around and looked right at me and smiled because her friend must have said, "Look at that pregnant lady!".  I heard another lady whisper something to her friend and then they both looked at me and smiled.  It was weird. I felt like I was famous or something.  The truth is, pregnant people are cute. I wouldn't have said I was a cute pregnant person, but I did have on a cute skirt.  ;)  Baby bumps are cute.  It's true. Everyone wants to see them, smile at them and yes, touch them.  I let people touch my bump because they just stand with the biggest smile looking at it. Like their heart might burst if they don't just...touch it!  I think that part is funny.

I remember looking at pregnant people and thinking they were so cute.  I never wanted to touch the belly though.  That was just me.  But it is an amazing thing that is taking place within me.  Third Trimester.  My body continues to change and it's hard for me to keep up with the changes.

Drew actually got nervous last night when I was sleeping because the baby was moving so much.  I told him that was normal and right now he has a lot of room so he's taking advantage! Every day he moves a ton and I can tell he's getting bigger.  I can feel his movement from the right side of my body and then the left.  I feel him high above and then very low.  He moves and it makes me have to pee.  Even though I just peed 2 minutes ago. I can't decide if it's his little hands or his little feet that I feel on my bladder, but I know it's something!  And even though these new movements cause me to have strange pains, I love every one of them.

I dreamed last night (while he was moving I'm sure) that he was upset and I was trying to calm him down while he was in my womb.  Then one second later he was outside of my womb and I was holding him and kissing him to calm him. But only he was now a girl.  Laura as there and I was showing her how cute he was. Then Kelly (and I) rode the airport in a flying Vista.  That's pretty much where it ended.  I think I woke to pee after that.

My first shower is this weekend! I can't believe it's shower season already. Praying for no rain and lots of laughs.  It's a pretty chill party so it should be fun! I can't wait to see everyone.

Next week Monday is my next baby appointment. ~ July 1st ~ BIRTHDAY! I would have never in a million years guessed that I would be pregnant for my 41st birthday.  This is a crazy ride God has us on.  Always surprising and always so very fun. I am blessed!


Anna said...

I told you you're adorable ;)

SouleSista said...

obviously I did not check here before msging you, oops :) I ususally stop here daily just to check lol

they stare because you are beautiful and you have a wonderful inviting smile!
I used to love feeling Ben move at night, that's when he was most active and it used to keep me up, especially the flips

Kat Smith said...

you crazy cousins....I love ya!