Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 - what's a goal?

Happy New Year!

Here we are 2014~  what to do...

Now that I'm well into life with a baby, I'm starting to feel like is there more for me to do. As the new year rolled over I began to wonder what God has for me this year.  I contemplate this year, and there are a few things that I REALLY want to do this year, and a few things that I've realized I have to change/get used to as a new mom.  So a list of goals for 2014.

1. God. 
 I've realized to pursue God I have to be intentional.  I very much want to do a bible study, but with my work schedule I'm unsure how this is going to happen.  I'm looking for a night study, or a Friday morning study.  I'm a study girl, and I work well in bible studies.  So hopefully I will find one soon.  
Sit with Him. I need to do this more. Quiet time. Refocus. Read scripture etc.  
Read the Word. I do try to do this every day, but sometimes it doesn't speak to me.  I do it anyway. That's important.

2. Organized. 
I want a place for everything and a system for my life.  I'm recognizing my time will forever be divided now and I have to live on more of a system.  There are only so many hours in the day and Asher and work take up most of them! 

3. Lists.  Short & Sweet. 
Things need to be to the point.  Less words.  And crossing things off makes me feel like I'm accomplishing things.

4. Memories/Journaling.
 I want to do a Project Life system.  Its a simple way of scrapbooking and will work well in my life right now.  Then I can enjoy creating and not always feel like I'm behind.  
I want to blog and write in my journal at least once a month if not every other week. 

5. Write. 
I want to focus on 3 books this year and will create weekly time to do so.
     a. Children's book
     b. onetimeblind book
     c. my memoirs

6. Home/Health/Finances/Cleaning.
Oh the home. I'm trying to purge and live with less. 
I want things to be clean, but I'm not so good at that, so I'm trying to find money in the budget for a cleaning lady. I know that sounds crazy, but with Asher I just need things to be clean. I do ok with the kitchen, but when I see the dust in Asher's bedroom I feel guilty.  And don't get me started on the NASTY bathrooms....but truth be told, I will probably continue to avoid it and clean myself when necessary (= when company comes). 
I'm figuring out our financial goals.  They are challenging as Drew is in grad school and we now have Asher.  We would like to save for a house, but that goal might be put off a few years as we can't really save for a downpayment right now. All in God's time. 
Cooking. So I'm trying to put together meals once a week and not have to think about it the rest of the week.  This works OK if I have nothing else going on in my life.  It's also harder in the winter, but I will continue to strive for good, healthy meals.  I think this is a life goal that will never change. lol. 

7. Drew.
Sigh.  I wish I had 1000 days and nights to spend with Drew in Hawaii.  Or home.  Or anywhere! I really want to have a date night with Drew.  We both need it and it needs to be a priority.  Asher is still breastfeeding and wont yet take a bottle, so that makes it hard.  Also by the time we get home from work we are tired etc. But regardless, this needs to happen at least every other week.

8. Asher's World.
I love this kid. I want him to experience life to the full!  I want him to have a happy mom and dad.  I want him to get good food and good sleep.  I want him to learn about God and the life and people around him.  I want him to do cool crafts. ;)  I want him to have a schedule but also experience new things often.  This is my hope for Asher this year!

9. Say No. Stay Home. 
Over the past few weeks I've gotten so much done around the home.  I know the reason is because I didn't go anywhere.  I stayed home and organized and just got stuff done.  We also saved money because every time we leave the house we tend to buy something.  So going to try to continue to say, "No" more and say "Yes" to sanity.  And stay home.  :)

Hoping these goals for 2014 go smoothly with adjustments along the way.  What are YOUR goals?

1 comment:

dm said...

my wife and i recently found your videos on youtube. i'm with you....2014 HAS to be the year that i get in gear and actually accomplish the things i set out to do.

i have had some really crummy health issues to deal with.....don't know how i would have survived without the loving arms of our Lord Jesus. how on earth do people get through life alone?

i appreciate the way your ministry tries to explain how Jesus changes everything. i can't wait until the day we meet Him face to face.

your chum,
Christopher M.
Kansas City, MO