Thursday, November 13, 2014

We are blessed

We are blessed.  So very very blessed.  This I know and realized tonight as I sat and gave Asher a bath.  He has the cutest little blonde curls.  He was talking and making boat noises while playing with his bath toy.  He then took a cup and poured bubbles and water over his head and giggled.  And I sat in awe that God has brought Him to us.  Can it be done again? Can or Will God bless us twice?

It is by faith.....

I was thinking about how they always say, "lightening doesn't strike twice".  I don't know if that's true or if it's just a stupid saying, but I do know that we are going to align ourselves with the God of creation and ask Him to walk every step with us as we move forward with adding to our family.

So we are doing another treatment.  We went to our fertility doctor this week and I was very nervous. It was strange driving there again as a flood of memories came rushing back as each mile passed.  Except this time I was listening to "it rained and rained for 40 nights and day-sies day-sies...", a children's song from a cd we have and Asher sitting and moving his head to the music.  Drew said he got emotional as we neared the building.  So much blessing since then.  An overwhelming amount.

So we took a deep breath and entered the world of infertility helps again.  The Dr. was, as he was before, kind, gentle, smiley, and hopeful.  I didn't know what to expect really.  I knew he would say we could do a treatment if we wanted, but I thought he would tell us our chances were low to conceive.  But he didn't.  He said "once you have a baby, your body just resets itself.  Its like you're starting from scratch in a way. ".  Even though we are doing a lesser procedure (an IUI), he seemed hopeful that it could work.  I didn't expect that.  I didn't expect to leave hopeful.  However, this is the dangerous part where your heart gets mesmerized by that dangling carrot and you can't help but fall in love with the idea that HOPE will love you back and give birth to your hearts desire! But you can't help but believe it's possible, so I took a deep breath.  We talked about a few details and it looks like as soon as I start my period (which is this week) we will start the process!

PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYER! I am feeling nervous but also excited but also scared but also Peace.  I know that God has a plan.  I know that God's plan WILL come forth.  I really feel like we are to have a bigger family.  I don't know how God plans on doing it, but we felt led to do this procedure before we move forward with other options.  So here we are!  We are praying for perfect timing.  For God's hand.  For peace.  For as many babies as God wants to give us!

I hope to post here often to let everyone who is praying know how we are doing.  This is a journey and if there's one thing I've realized it's that the journey is WAY more fun with other people living the story with us.  So we invite you into our tiny world to walk with us and ask God to work another Smith miracle.  We are SO thankful for Him and for you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excited and thrilled for you all. Praying and believing for another miracle because isn't conception and birth just that! With much love, A. Rhonda