Tuesday, January 09, 2007


ok, so seriously, I am not exactly sure why, but we just got this scale from the otb office and it is telling me i weigh 141. I am not one to share my weight, or to care really how much I weigh. Mostly because I have weighed the same (155-160) since I was in the 8th grade. Seriously, I have not gone under or over that range in over 21 years. yes, i know, i'm that old. So I have found it literally mind boggling to see that number. I don't really pay attention to my weight. I don't really care about it. I can tell when I need to loose a few pounds to fit into my clothes better etc. But I feel pretty confident with who God has made me, and I have learned to accept who I am and not to focus my time on things like body image etc.

But lately I have wanted to be healthy. I mean, I have wanted that for years, but just lately I have decided to stop eating wheat (gluten stuff really) because Drew can't have it anyway, so I stopped. For the most part. (i mean seriously, who can say no to Krispy Kreme? except drew, but he's weird) But it was hard because I ate a lot of bread, and I LOVE bread, but I just thought I would do it. Drew always told me, "flour mixed with water is what? That's right, paste. That sits in your belly.". I thought that was true, but who wants to eat a burger with no bun? But I have learned, it's really not that bad.

I have also learned I had to stop eating refined sugars. Which has made me stop eating refined anything. Or at least trying. (except for my sisters AWESOME oreo truffles, you must try them) I have been reading labels etc. and trying to only eat things that God made. Except for diet coke. I can't get past that man made drink yet, maybe this year. So, maybe all of that changing has caused me to lose weight when I haven't really tried or didn't even notice.

It really doesn't matter to me, except for the fact that I feel good, which is really the point.

anyway, not sure why I shared, just felt like sharing my wonder and blessing of a new number to tell the lady at the drivers license place. too bad i was just there 2 weeks ago and told her my old actual weight, but then, who really cares anyway? It just feels good to be healthy.

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