Humbled. That's the only word I have to express how I feel about the outpouring of love and generosity from our family and friends. I have no words that adequately expresses how thankful we are for each of you. Thank you for taking this journey with us!
We've been getting a lot of questions about when we are going to do invitro and where we are with the fundraiser so I thought we should do a little update. Our tentative goal is we are hoping to raise as much money as we can to do IVF and we have about 1/2 of our goal! That's AMAZING! Our current plan is to hopefully be doing a cycle in February, March or April. (EEK!)
We received some terrible news a few weeks ago that our fertility doctor suddenly passed away. Please keep his family in your prayers. He was an awesome man and left behind his wife and several children. Most of them are older, but I know they are devastated by this loss. So this also leaves us sad as we are not able to have Dr. B help us this time around. We are planning on meeting the doctor that took over his patients soon as well as interview a few others. I don't like the idea of starting over at a new place, but we will see where God leads us.
It is strange to think we will be giving this a try again soon. It's also scary and I'm trying to walk the balance between faith and fear. I know God has a plan. I feel a bit weary if I'm honest that Asher is 4 1/2 and we are still waiting and trying and praying. I know God has a plan, but some days it's just frustrating. Please keep praying for us (mostly me) to renew my mind about believing God for what He has for us. I do believe we have more children coming, but the waiting, the waring, the trusting is exhausting sometimes.
As we wait we pray you have an amazing holiday season. May God bless you with His presence. May He find favor in your house. May He bless those you encounter in the everydayness of life. And we pray His kingdom come no matter where we find ourselves this season.
Love to you all...