15. The thought of 15 years in anything makes me feel old. I still remember turning 15, and now I am over double that age. As I sit here at 3:25am est. I realize 15 years ago I was up as well. so long ago seems so close. I remember so much, and so little from that night.
All day today I knew it was the 15 year anniversary of my parents death. And from the early morning, I woke up happy and filled with peace. I am not sure if it was the out of no where hugs from eden (first on the right shoulder, then the left, then the right again, then a kiss on the lips), or the most beautiful tree I have ever seen that seemed to speak to me in ways I can't explain, or maybe it was an old friend coming to see our show tonight, but all seemed to speak to me personally. It was as if God walked with me all day today.
I sat on the outer edge of the largest, coolest Oak tree I have ever seen. It was called a 'Live Oak', and was unbelievable. The limbs stretched yards away from the trunk inviting you to climb it. It covered the grounds like a canopy and I later learned it was over 600 years old. The trunk was HUGE, proving it's age. I sat and just looked at it and I felt blessed. Drew and I sat on the outside of the tree line and just talked for a bit. It was wonderful and I realized I was surrounded by beauty. God had taken my everyday ordinary life and transformed it into something amazing. More than amazing. His hand guided me towards my husband, my best friends, this ministry, the road, and to Round Rock, TX and to this tree.

I realized 15 years ago I wondered where I would be in 15 years, and I honestly wasn't sure. I remember telling myself I didn't think I would be alive that long. I couldn't imagine getting up everyday and living without my parenets. I didn't want to. And yet, somehow I did it. I carried on. And He carried me while whispering His secrets and desires for my life.
Today I don't feel sadness, but just blessed. I feel as if I am the most blessed person on the face of this earth and for that my soul screams, "THANK YOU!". I Praise God for His goodness in my life. I praise Him for being personal with me. I praise Him for Life! And for the beauty He continues to give me.
Once again I can't imagine where I will be in 15 years. I can't imagine being in a more perfect place than this, but with God, I am sure I will be.