It's Sunday, already almost one week down. Drew's parents are here this weekend to celebrate Aunt Dorothy's birthday. Even though the most exciting thing that happened was getting the car washed (besides the party), I'm so thankful they are here. Having things to do is a good distraction for me. And Aunt Dorothy's party last night was super fun.
I wanted to catch everyone up on what happened last week. It's so cool how God shows up.
I went in on Monday for an ultrasound. I had 2 good sized follicles and a couple of smaller ones, meaning I should have at least 2 good eggs to release. So they told me to go home and take the HCG trigger shot. Drew came home early to give it to me and that began our crazy work week. We went in the next morning for our first IUI. For whatever reason the wait was long that morning. Drew finally was able to have his appointment and then we waited again. During that time, they take the sperm sample and "washing" it. They do a clean wash on them meaning they spin the specimen and get out all the extra fluids so what's left are the very best sperm. They usually then take a sample of that and look at it under a microscope. This is how they determine how many sperm are in the count, the mobility etc. So at this dr. office they allow us to go back in the lab and look at that sample. So on Tuesday they came out to get us when it was ready. The technician said, "I'm excited to show you this. Most couples wouldn't understand this, but I think you guys will think it's cool". So she let us look at the sample, (which is always AMAZING) but this time when she created the sample, an air bubble got caught in it. When I looked in the microscope I saw very excited sperm trying to get into the air bubble! This is super cool because it means they thought that bubble was an egg and they were really to try to get into it! I can't express what it did for my soul to see that. One of my biggest fears is that the sperm don't know what to do when they get to the egg. But God showed me DIRECTLY that they know exactly what they are doing. They are doing what God created them to do! It was a huge blessing. So we did the IUI and then I went home to rest and do a little work.
We decided to do 2 IUI's so we went in Wednesday morning for our second one. I wasn't feeling too confident that it would actually happen because our numbers were a bit low on Tuesday and the second sample is always much lower than the first. So Drew's appointment arrived and then we waited for the wash to finish. The technician wasn't there that day, so the head nurse did the wash instead. She came to get us and said, "I want to show you something. As I was washing your sperm I was praying, 'Please God, let this be a good sample, please God let it be good for them', then I put the sample under the microscope and look what I saw! I think it's a better sample then yesterday!" WHAT?!?!? When we looked we saw several sperm swimming like crazy! They were full of energy and ready to go! Ok - lets talk medical personnel these days. ... seriously though, when have I EVER known a doctor or a nurse to tell me they were PRAYING over us??? And not only that, but praying over the very sperm that will be used by God to create! I was totally humbled and in awe of what God was doing. We did the second IUI full of hope and expectation. God is so good!
So again, we are now in our waiting field. But, most of what we do is wait. It has for sure been a theme in my life. Waiting, pursuing, achieving, waiting, more waiting...But that's ok. Cuz I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.
This week Drew goes to California for his last residential. He has to defend his concept paper for his dissertation. Please keep him in your prayers as he's pretty nervous! I know he will do great. God made him for this moment. I'm so proud of him! Asher and I will be going to Grand Rapids to spend time with Papa and Lala. I love going over there as it feels like vacation to me. :) I only wish Drew would be with us as we will be ending the 2 week wait and I'm sure that's about the time I will be nervous. One of the things that my nurse changed this time around is she's having me take progesterone during the 2 week wait. She wanted to make sure my levels were good etc. but the only negative aspect of that is if we were to test for pregnancy we could get a false positive. So now I will for certain not be able to take a home test. We will have to wait to see what the blood test shows. I'm not sure when I will be making that appointment. For now, I"m just taking it one day at a time. Either way, I know God is good and He has our best interest in mind. He knows what He's doing.
Thank you for your continued prayers for our journey to family! We are a bit weary, but also excited to see what God has in store for us. 9 days to go!