Sunday, February 11, 2007

no matter how hard you don't want to become a just do.

Friday, February 09, 2007

it was a rough one...

I wonder.

It is late and I am up from drinking coffee. I have felt a strange feeling these past 2 weeks. I have actually had a large range of feelings. I was sick until about 2 days ago. Actually, today is the first day I feel normal, having only blown my nose ONE time!!! You can't imagine how great that feels after going through 3 boxes of Kleenex in the last few weeks. So being sick makes me feel, mad. I hate being sick. It's such a waste of time. In some ways I feel I have wasted 2 weeks of my life. I have been living in this fog where I can't hear anything (just last night laura kept telling me to talk quieter because I was talking so loud), can't speak right (it takes so much effort with mucus in your throat), and I just wanted to go to bed. So, that's what I did a bunch.

But, feeling this way these past few weeks wasn't properly timed. We visited friends from growing up, friends from old otb days, aunts, cousins, old friends, new friends, college buddies, and all of those in 2 weeks. We are ready for a break. But our show next week was canceled which actually sucks because we wont get money now. grrr.. round and round we go.

Ryan and I were talking today about how frustrating our last show was. It was by far the most frustrating show we have had in over a year. The building was awesome. The game room had great art, a small skate park, ipod with music to listen to, a computer lab (where most of the kids, well, all of the kids were on myspace), DDR, basketball courts, food court, pool, and places to just hang out. What more could kids want these days? It was sad. Jesus was not to be seen. However, a security guard was. He was standing by the door to make sure these kids didn't get out of hand I guess. As the jr. highers settled in they were excited, and I was too, I thought, "these kids are really going to got God tonight. They are excited and ready to receive a word from Him!". I couldn't have been more wrong. From the first moment we stepped on the stage it was, well, battle. The fight was on. They talked, got out of their seats, mocked, laughed (and not at the laugh parts), and wouldn't sit still enough to even give God a chance to speak. The adults in the room did their best to "manage" the crowd as they would every once in awhile walk up and shush a kid or two. I wanted to stop the show. I almost did. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I understand the idea of wanting to be seeker sensitive, but when it is at the cost of JESUS, or teaching ANYTHING to these kids, what's the point? They were not only clueless about the bible, Jesus and spiritual anything, they were rude. We did the conforming cross skit and when Jesus stood at the front of the stage one kid stood up and copied him. This is a sweet thing, and has happened at several shows. But what happened next was, a mockery. In the skit Laura comes up and forms Jesus to herself. So as she did this all of the kids copied her, copied Jesus. So they all acted silly which created laughter and talking, and when Laura pushed Jesus over, all of the kids fell. ugh. They proceeded to do the same when Drew did his part.

Have you ever had one of those dreams that are so messed up that they can't possibly be real? yup, that was last night. But, it was real. I kept saying, "this can't be real".

The funny thing was, that morning I had woke up and had a rough night of sleep because I was dreaming that I was dreaming and waking up. Then in my dream I would fall back asleep and wake up again. By the time I actually did wake up, I wasn't sure I actually was awake. Now that I'm thinking about it, I am not sure last night really happened. Was it a dream?

i wish.

The other strange thing was I had just read this scripture: "How terrible for you, teachers of the law adn Pharisees! You are hypocrites! You wash teh outside of your cups and dishes, but inside they are full of thigngs you got by cheating others adn by pleasing only yourselves. Pharisees, you are blind! First make the INSIDE of the cup clean, and then the outside of the cup can truly be clean....People look at you and think you are good, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and evil."

Coincidence? I don't think so. It's not that I thought the leadership of this church was full of evil or anything, I just feel in the midst of trying to do a good thing, they left out the most important part. They feel in order for people to be attracted to Jesus, you have to create a flashy, mtv world. They couldn't be more wrong.

Ryan was telling me how he hates mega churches. Mostly because he hates how they spend their money. He understands having a good sound system, but some of these churches pay thousand of dollars to have professional sound equipment that they don't even need. He said the church building we just left probably cost millions of dollars to build. Then he wondered why the Christians in this country feel the need to spend money that way when Jesus didn't say anything about how to build our buildings or make them seeker friendly. But Jesus did say feed the hungry. He said it makes him sick to know that much money went into buying computers so kids could access myspace when across town someone can't pay the electric bill. I must admit, it is a tough one.

Everyone wants to be apart of something BIG, tangible, something we can be proud of. We struggle with that even within this ministry. Even after 13 years of ministry, at times we feel like, "what have we done?". Mostly because you can't look at this huge building to show what we have built. We have no walls to display our certificates of appreciation, we have no desks to put our important papers, we don't even have a uniform to display our gold medals. We have, nothing. And isn't that what we said we wanted? ALL glory to God. ugh. Yet, we have a need to feel important, like we accomplished something. We receive words, notes, testimonies from students and adults alike telling us how God has changed them though the ministry we are committed to. Yet, I can't put that on my wall. I can't open my wallet and show it to a stranger. I have to admit I still don't own a house. I still don't get paid monthly. I wonder where my Christmas fund will come from and TODAY drew and I bought our first couch. So when I get home, and sit on my new fancy couch will I feel "accomplished"? I doubt it. The only way I will feel proud, fulfilled, complete, is to walk with Him. To see a vision of things beyond tangiblity. I heard someone say a lot of people want to go to Heaven because it's going to be so great. Streets of gold, a mansion for us! But then he asked, 'what if you get there and there are just dirt roads and a shack'? Something inside of me knew I was missing the mark.... Jesus. A closer walk with Him.

There is to much in this country. We are missing Jesus. Our churches are making it impossible to hear the Lord. We are (with good intentions) making it harder for the next generation to even hear His voice, let alone see His face. Oh Lord, come quickly.